Understanding the Healing Angle PowerPoint (DVD) with Jaime Jackson
Powerpoint DVD - 200 slides
In this new format, you can experience a presentation from Jaime Jackson as if you were in the same room. The PowerPoint DVD plays on your computer as a series of slides with spoken and written narrative, creating a unique and powerful learning experience. The topic: understanding how to trim to the healing angle.
If you do not understand the healing angle-of-growth, Jaime feels that you cannot accurately or consistently conduct a genuine natural trim. Hooves will normally resolve fairly quickly into sound, healthy and powerful specimens when trimmed naturally and when reasonable boarding conditions are applied. If this has not been your experience, or your hoof care provider's, then Understanding the Healing Angle may be the missing piece of the puzzle denying your success.
This PowerPoint presentation is designed to be played at your computer. 200 slides guide you from "trimming blind" to trimming confidently and without causing harm. The goal is to find the healing angle and trim to it precisely and consistently.
This DVD includes everything needed to play on your PC computer. No additional software is required, and no software is downloaded onto your computer. Unfortunately, at this time, the PowerPoint is for the PC only and does not work on Mac computers.
Please note: This DVD is formatted to play only on a computer; it will not work on other DVD players or on the TV.