Horse Owners Guide to Natural Hoof Care by Jaime Jackson
Softcover, 240 pgs
The original foundation book of the natural hoof care movement. Features step-by-step instructions for the natural trim based on the wild horse model. This is the book that "launched a thousand trimmers" (or more!)
Written for horse owners who want to do their own hoof work or improve their understanding of natural hoof care, and also for farriers wanting to transition to natural hoof care.
Explains the process involved in making a successful transition from shod to unshod. Included are concise explanations about:
- hairlines
- pasterns
- frog pressure
- coffin bones
- natural angles
- 4 point trims
- hoof balance
All common parts of the hoof, and how they're supposed to work together naturally and optimally, are discussed in clear, straightforward terms. Contains a troubleshooting section and an extensive resource section. Over 200 illustrations (photos and drawings).
Please note that this is the updated 2020 edition.
It's highly recommended to purchase the companion DVD Learn to do a Natural Trim with Jaime Jackson.